1) It is the goal of the SPOT project to help improve the overall situation for the most vulnerable people in the Busengo Sector, namely single mothers, children and families in need. Vulnerable women need help with finding safe and adequate accommodation and a stable income so they can provide for themselves and their children. The children need the right incentives to go to school in order to break with the poverty trap in the future. And families need help to generate regular income generating activities so that can take care of the needs of their families in a self-sufficient manner.

    2) As such, the SPOT project works directly with the local community to help them provide safe and secure accommodation for the most vulnerable women in their community and offer scholarships for the children that are willing and motivated to go to school but cannot do so due to financial constraints of the family and offer micro-business loans for families to start an income generating activity that can support the economic needs of the family.

    3) The SPOT project is managed and steered by the local parish; however, it is the local citizen council that is responsible for selecting the women, children and families in the villages that will benefit from the project. As such, the selection of beneficiaries is clear and transparent for everyone in the village and because the beneficiaries are responsible to the full community for meeting the conditions of the programme, they are more likely to persist and succeed in order not to jeopardize opportunities for future cohorts of women, students and families and for the overall success of the project.

      Busengo landscape